Universal Starting-Hand Chart from Elements of Poker (USHC)

Hi. You are most likely here because you got this URL from the book Elements of Poker, and you were expecting to find something here called the Universal Starting-Hand Chart (USHC). Well, I have some great news for you! When I wrote Elements, the now-ubiquitous 13×13 grid of hold’em starting hands did not exist. The USHC was, in concept, a long-hand version of the 13×13 chart.

I have since totally revamped the content and graphics that were presented in Elements, using 13×13 grids.

The new version is calledĀ Auto-Fold Ranges.

That link will take you to an article I wrote in 2017.

It’s now 2021, and I’m making movies! Here’s the video version of Auto-Fold Ranges at YouTube:



And here areĀ the old USHC files that were promised in Elements:

USHC – instructions

USHC – in Word

USHC – in Word / magnified version

USHC – in Excel

USHC – in Excel / magnified version



