Hi. You are most likely here because you got this URL from the book Elements of Poker, and you were expecting to find something here called the Universal Starting-Hand Chart (USHC). Well, I have some great news for you! When I wrote Elements, the now-ubiquitous 13×13 grid of hold’em starting hands did not exist. The USHC was, in concept, a long-hand version of the 13×13 chart.
I have since totally revamped the content and graphics that were presented in Elements, using 13×13 grids.
The new version is calledĀ Auto-Fold Ranges.
That link will take you to an article I wrote in 2017.
It’s now 2021, and I’m making movies! Here’s the video version of Auto-Fold Ranges at YouTube:
And here areĀ the old USHC files that were promised in Elements:
USHC – in Word / magnified version
USHC – in Excel / magnified version