The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment applies Buddhist principles to poker. You will see how mindful breathing and enhanced awareness lead to more profit and less pain. Contentment replaces impatience. Acceptance replaces anger. And smiles replace frowns. Tommy Angelo teaches poker pro Wayne Lively to walk this path. You’re invited to join along.
Right View
What is right view? It’s the absence of wrong view. What is wrong view? Pretty much everything.
Right Thinking
Acting last is like taking a drink of water. We don’t have to understand why it’s good for us to know that it is. And the benefits are unaffected by our understanding of them.
Mindfulness is intentionally non-judgmental awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Mindfulness is strong enough to melt anger and impatience and anything else that stands between you and optimization.
Where does poker profit come from? Doing it different than they do. In the world of reciprocality, it’s not about what you do, and it’s not about what they do. It’s both. Explore betting reciprocality, tilt reciprocality, bankroll reciprocality, position reciprocality and more in this soul-changing video.
Quitting takes years of disaster to master. It defines who’s in charge, you or the poker. And when we screw it up, it hurts like hell. How much has your bad quitting cost you?
Right Speech
The path parts are interdependent. Right view begets right action begets right speech begets right view. With a calm mind we can control our words, and thereby our world.
Right Action
Playing it smart. Getting the best of it. Sharpening your edge. Not just at betting. At everything. Moving up. Moving down. Game selection. Seat selection. Live poker: What to say and do. And not. Getting it right, night after night, into the sunset. And don’t forget harmlessness.
A big day in my playing career was when I realized that I would always be a tilter.